The Power of Celebration: A Leadership Tool Success
Years ago, I met a business leader who was struggling. Despite hitting revenue targets and receiving accolades from his peers, he felt disconnected from his work. I asked him how he celebrated his achievements. He looked at me blankly and said, "We don’t have time for that. It's always on ...
Recognize the Leader Within: Unleashing Your True Leadership Potential
We often look outside ourselves for guidance, inspiration, and leadership models. We admire the qualities of great leaders and wonder how we, too, can step into that level of influence and impact. But what if I told you that the leader you are seeking is already within you, waiting to ...
From Reacting to Responding: Cultivating Mindful Decision-Making
Imagine this: You’re in the middle of a crucial meeting, and tensions are running high. A team member presents an idea that’s completely opposite to the direction you’ve been planning. Your first instinct is to dismiss it immediately—it challenges everything you’ve been working on for months. But instead of reacting, ...
Serving with Excellence: You Are the Master of Your Reality
In today’s leadership landscape, the concept of “service” is often misunderstood. Many leaders equate service with sacrifice, giving to the point of exhaustion, or putting others before themselves to the detriment of their own well-being. But service — real service — is not about self-sacrifice. It’s about showing up fully, ...
Mastering Ego: When Ego is Useful and When It’s a Barrier
In leadership and business, the ego often gets a bad reputation. We’re frequently told to "leave the ego at the door" and focus on the collective good. But the truth is, the ego is an essential part of the human experience. It plays a role in defining who we are, ...
Overcoming Fear: Courage vs. Fear in Decision-Making
Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion. It can either paralyze us or push us to grow. As leaders, one of the most critical challenges we face is how to navigate fear and use it as a force for positive action rather than letting it hold us back. Fear is part ...
The Power of Compassion in Leadership
In today’s fast-paced business world, we often associate leadership with qualities like decisiveness, strength, and innovation. While these traits are certainly valuable, there is another aspect of leadership that is equally — if not more — powerful: compassion. As someone who has studied and practiced both Kundalini yoga and leadership, ...
Embracing Adversity: ‘Terrible is Wonderful’
"Terrible is wonderful." A phrase that can make you pause, yet holds profound wisdom. My teacher, Yogi Bhajan, often used paradoxes like these to awaken a deeper understanding in his students. What could be more contradictory than calling something terrible, "wonderful"? Yet, as I’ve come to learn through my own ...
Unlock the Power of Kundalini Yoga: How to Become a Successful Business Yoga Teacher with Clients in 90 Days
Alarming Workplace Statistics Stress and Burnout on the Rise Did you know that the majority of employees experience stress at work? In fact, statistics show that 2 out of 3 employees suffer from work-related stress. And that's not all - burnout affects 1 in 10 employees, with predictions that this ...
The Power of Mindful Leadership: Creating a Safe Space for Transformation
In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the concept of a safe space often takes a backseat to profit margins and productivity. However, as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, single mother, and former financial institution professional, I’ve come to appreciate the profound impact of creating a safe space within organizations. In this article, ...
Forecast for November 2022
Be steady and strong in the midst of the storm The month of November started. It started here in the Netherlands where I live, with stormy weather and this month's energy requires us to stay centered in the storm. Like a lighthouse. The lighthouse is the archetype of the number ...
Forecast for October 2022
The month of October started. The energy of this month is linked to the number 10, the radiant body. You can think of your radiant body as the magnet within yourself. You attract certain things and repel other things. What it is that you attract or repel will be ...
7 Incredible Kundalini Awakening Advantages
Exploring a Kundalini Awakening is a landmark you will never overlook. This extraordinary spiritual transformation doesn’t happen overnight. However, when it starts to take charge, you will reap numerous advantages, including: More Empathy Empathising with others implies comprehending their emotions on a deeper level. One of the most robust ...
Forecast for September 2022
Happy to share with you this forecast for September, the 9th month. For many, this period after summer vacation indicates a fresh new start. It is a perfect time to refocus and set goals for the rest of the year, as the number 9 has the ability to foresee ...
5 Kundalini Yoga Poses To Focus Your Balance
Kundalini Yoga is an approach that has been granted to us to support and enhance our nervous system. These Kundalini asanas and yoga postures will vacate and concentrate the mind and get balance in your body. For your first time rehearsing each of the following, start with 30 seconds or ...
Forecast August 2022
Forecast August 2022 The number 8, which is active this month, is a powerful number. It reminds us of the power which is within us. We´re all powerful beings, and we´re asked to embrace our power. And that is both exciting and scary at the same time. Let’s first look ...
Why Do You Need Kundalini Yoga In Life?
If ever you have come across kundalini yoga, then you might know that kundalini yoga directs energy spiralled at the base of the spine, and the exercises practised in class are meant to revive it, in turn, activating mind, body and soul.
Replace your Sun Salutations and Warrior II's; chanting, pranayama ...
Replace your Sun Salutations and Warrior II's; chanting, pranayama ...
5 Benefits Of Kundalini Yoga You Can’t-Miss Out
Kundalini yoga is a type of yoga that implicates chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and redundant postures. Its objective is to trigger your Kundalini energy. This is a spiritual power that's said to be discovered at the bottom of your spine. As Kundalini yoga arouses this energy, it's believed to enrich ...
How Can Yoga Assist In Controlling Stress?
Stress is ever-present. Fortunately, yoga has got us covered, which is established to assist in relieving stress with the health impacts it generates. The finest part? You don't need any initial experience to benefit from the yoga practice. Yoga demands no specific area to practise also, no particular time period ...
The Journey From Fit To Fitter With The Top 4 Yoga Trends
The traditional and ancient practice of yoga with another complete revamp is all get-set-ready to bring fun and motivation to you. Old Product, New Packaging. You might have heard this mantra often buzzing in the market. If not, how else would you remain motivated and stick to the routine ...
Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa’s – July Month Forecast
"The month of July is at its core connected to the energy of the 7, the aura or electromagnetic field that surrounds the entire physical body." So be aware of what you're sending out vibrationally. And by that, I mean be aware of your thoughts, your words, and most of ...
Is Yoga For You | Benefits Of Yoga
In this contemporary world, yoga has become a trend, but is yoga good for you? Whether you're a newbie or a professional, there are plenty of reasons for giving yoga a go. No matter if you're a working professional, a college-going student, a business owner, a CEO, or a woman, ...
Yoga- The Best Cure For Employee Productivity
International Yoga Day is just around the corner. And what more satisfactory time than this to debate on the importance of health and fitness of employees? After the pandemic, corporates have realised that the struggle is real. Covid19 or not, corporations worldwide have already begun implementing corporate wellness programs like ...
How Does Yoga Impact Corporate Culture?
Yoga is not a new concept. In fact, yoga has been practised for years now. However, corporate yoga programs have been a sizzling topic in recent years close to the globe. Yoga and meditation measures have been embraced by prominent corporations like Nike, Google and Apple, just to name a ...
What To Consider While Choosing The Right Yoga Teacher
With so many opportunities for yoga classes, from in-person to online, it can be overwhelming attempting to pick the right yoga teacher. It’s necessary to discover a welcoming, skilled teacher who sustains your yoga journey, whether you’re a newbie or an advanced yogi. Style Of Yoga Yoga has multiple diverse ...
Forecast June 2022
Happy to share this forecast of June, the 6th month with you. The number six brings an energy of grace, of fair play and of honesty with it. It is connected to the Arc line, which is the halo you see around holy people. It stands for projection and protection ...
All About Yoga, You Should Know!
As per the sources, 4,60,000 Brits do yoga each week with an average of 15 people per class. The expanded level of stress and face pace of life makes yoga more sensible and relevant to practise in daily life, says Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa, a kundalini yoga expert. People around ...
Discover The Benefits Of Yoga For Employees
Whether you call it business yoga, employee yoga or office yoga, incorporating yoga at workplaces indeed turns out to be beneficial. Down the line, offering yoga at the workplace has been growing popular. Yoga, the old-age, mindful practice of exercising the body and mind, has already found its place in ...
Steps To Follow Before Commencing The Business Yoga Program
Each moment is an option to be kind to yourself and your body. There are distinguishing ways and techniques implicated before going ahead with some plan. Even when it comes to executing yoga programs at the workplace, it is no different. Here are some of the primary key points to ...
Forecast May 2022: Go with Your Flow
It´s already mid-May, while I´m taking the time to write this month’s forecast. I´m sorry, and at the same time, it is this month that I felt so often that I needed to go with the flow and really take care of my body, even if that means missing out ...
The Healing Power Of Yoga & How Can Yoga Make A Difference?
"Yoga is a light, which once ignited, will never darken. The better your practice, the brighter your flame will be." Over the years, the healing power of yoga has developed; it is no longer bound to make yourself fit. The idea of well-being has taken growth to become a new ...
How Can “Sound Therapy” Help Your Organisation?
“In sound we are born; in sound we are healed.” ― "Mehtab Benton, Gong Therapy" Well, sound therapy, also known as sound healing, hasn't been scientifically established to "heal" anything, although it is a good conductor of many benefits & well-being. Confused, how? Read on below to know the answers ...
Why Is Stress Relief An Essential Addition To Your Organisation?
Stress relief is an art, and we are the artists! Every individual, at some point maintaining a job, has felt the intense level of stress gained by poor work-life balance. Well, the fact is every job has a stress factor, irrespective of whether you like what you do or not ...
Forecast April 2022: Dare to ask for Support, it is there for you too!
Forecast April 2022 Last week we could still be at the beach, just to give you an idea of the change in temperature. We’re moving from the 3 energy, the positive mind, into the energy of the 4, which relates to the energy of the neutral mind. The neutral mind ...
Forecast March 2022: See the light, share your light & be the light!
A real expression of the number 2…
So much happened on a global level. So much negativity. Time to bring some positive energy and that’s exactly what the 3 of the month March will bring. Opportunities, even in the darkest times. Light in the dark tunnel. That’s the 3 energy ...
So much happened on a global level. So much negativity. Time to bring some positive energy and that’s exactly what the 3 of the month March will bring. Opportunities, even in the darkest times. Light in the dark tunnel. That’s the 3 energy ...
Forecast February 2022: Empower Yourself, Work Together and Continue to Ask What Would Love Do
This month we’ll dive even deeper into the number 2 energy, as it’s the second month. One more 2 next to the three 2’s we already saw in the year 2022. Let’s look at how these 2’s affect our lives, our relationships and how we can use it to excel ...
2022: The Year of healthy boundaries, ask ‘what would love do?’ and following the Master plan.
I love numbers. Always have. That’s probably why I was a database marketeer for 7 years, before entering the path of yoga and in particular Kundalini Yoga 😉 Kundalini Yoga is called the mother of all yoga, as it contains a vast variety of subjects, from posture, to breath, to mantras, to food, but also, and ...