“The month of July is at its core connected to the energy of the 7, the aura or electromagnetic field that surrounds the entire physical body.“
So be aware of what you’re sending out vibrationally. And by that, I mean be aware of your thoughts, your words, and most of all, your actions. Actions show your inner state of being.
You can have these wonderful intentions to wake up early and do your yoga & meditation in the morning, but if you do go to bed late and snooze the alarm until it’s too late and then get upset about that and beat yourself up because of it, then that is what you are sending out vibrationally.
So get real, real in your actions and your expectations and be true to yourself. Surround yourself with those who uplift you, including yourself 🙂
This will be really important this month, and it will make a huge difference in your personal and business.
The 7 is the platform of elevation, and it’s so much easier to be that if you feel elevated yourself.
So read books that inspire you, watch movies that make you think in a different way, listen to music that raises your frequency, and sing along with that, as the seven is also connected with the voice.
The seven likes to be the point of attraction, like to share their wisdom and talents, and at the same time, needs time to recharge.
So make time for self-care this month. If you feel overwhelmed, go for a walk. If you are tired from all the input, take a shower and let the water give you that moment of rest and allow it to take all your worries.
With the 13th at the base of this month, July will be a month that gives you ultimate blessings or ultimate challenges, or both 🙂
My tips for enjoying this ride and getting the best out of it, both personally and in business-wise, are:
- Use your inner wisdom, use your intuition and don’t try to skip steps. Stay connected to your heart’s desires. In other words, meditate, relax and then act from that highly elevated place, where all is well.
- Lead yourself, be the CEO of your life. Own it, embrace yourself and guide yourself towards your happiness. I am so happy to announce that the details of the upcoming leadership year program have fallen into place, including a start date in October. Really excited to invite you to join 🙂 More details on that will follow soon.
- Relax! Stress pinches holes in your aura, and that way, your precious energy is leaking, and that’s making you vulnerable. This works for everyone, so understand why people feel the need to disconnect and long in their happy cave. The pressure of the outside world can just be too much. So please, look out for each other. Simply asking someone, ‘How are you doing?’ And putting your hand on their shoulder, speaking your truth, “I see you’re struggling. Would you like to share about the weight you’re carrying?”
- Water. This is the game changer this month. Be at the waterside, take showers, swim, and take an ice bath or sauna. And drink healthy, clean filtered water. You consist of 70-80 % of water, and if you know what is inside the normal tap water you’re drinking, you understand why your body has a difficult time staying healthy. Ever since I came back from my Ayurveda cleanse, I did research and felt the enormous effect clean water had on my body and my mind. I invested in the Rolls Royce under the water filtering machines. As for me, investing in my health, the health of my children, and my family is worth it.
Do your research, as my friend Ingrid, who is a naturopathic therapist, has done hers, which I’ll share with you here and if you want to know more about this Rolls Royce, that totally made a change in my life, do reach out to her (https://www.ingridkersten.nl).
So to take all these points and connect them to how you can use this to lead your business the best this month is:
- Go with the flow. Only the salmon go upstream; all other creatures go downstream.
- Be aware of your external communication, as that’s the energy you are vibrating. Remember more than any other time that you’re a magnet; your company is a magnet, attracting exactly those clients who resonate with your message.
- You don’t need to work harder. The seven is connected to the intellect, and it can cause you to overthink things. So when things are not working out for you. What do you do? Take a break. Go for a walk. Take a rest. Drink a glass of water. And then, when you’re back, energetically, finish off with ease and joy.
Hope this makes sense to you and inspires you to use the energy for the greater good, to elevate yourself, so you’re able to elevate others; that’s what the world needs!
Your light, your love, your mental clarity, your beautiful contribution. If you feel I can be in service of that within yourself, your team or your company, don’t hesitate to contact me for the “VIRTUAL CUP OF TEA WITH SAT KIRTAN KAUR KHALSA.” I’ll be thrilled to address you.