Forecast for November 2022

Be steady and strong in the midst of the storm The month of November started. It started here in the Netherlands where I live, with stormy weather and this month’s energy requires us to stay centered in the storm. Like a lighthouse. The lighthouse is the archetype of the number 11. It stands strong and […]

Forecast for October 2022

The month of October started.  The energy of this month is linked to the number 10, the radiant body. You can think of your radiant body as the magnet within yourself. You attract certain things and repel other things.  What it is that you attract or repel will be under the magnifying glass and be […]

7 Incredible Kundalini Awakening Advantages

7 Incredible Kundalini Awakening Advantages

Exploring a Kundalini Awakening is a landmark you will never overlook. This extraordinary spiritual transformation doesn’t happen overnight. However, when it starts to take charge, you will reap numerous advantages, including: More Empathy  Empathising with others implies comprehending their emotions on a deeper level. One of the most robust Kundalini Awakening advantages is that you […]

Forecast for September 2022

Happy to share with you this forecast for September, the 9th month.  For many, this period after summer vacation indicates a fresh new start. It is a perfect time to refocus and set goals for the rest of the year, as the number 9 has the ability to foresee long-term consequences of events.  According to […]

5 Kundalini Yoga Poses To Focus Your Balance

Kundalini Yoga is an approach that has been granted to us to support and enhance our nervous system. These Kundalini asanas and yoga postures will vacate and concentrate the mind and get balance in your body. For your first time rehearsing each of the following, start with 30 seconds or five deep breaths and perform […]

All About Yoga, You Should Know!

All About Yoga, You Should Know!

As per the sources, 4,60,000 Brits do yoga each week with an average of 15 people per class. The expanded level of stress and face pace of life makes yoga more sensible and relevant to practise in daily life, says Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa, a kundalini yoga expert.  People around the globe are chasing behind […]

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